Finished Work Apparel
God is GOOD. God is LOVE. God created every one of us for a unique purpose. He is working through us all to spread the good news of the Gospel among the nations. Jesus’ life on Earth exemplified how we should live out our own: a true, selfless, moral, kind, and loving way.
The Finished Work Apparel aims to show how living life with God is where true joy, peace, and understanding originates. Every piece of apparel from our brand is marked with a red period. This symbolizes that we were all ransomed at the cross and every promise Jesus made to us is irrevocable – a finished work.
The Collection
About the Owner
We read about the goodness and love that God has for each and every one of us, but sometimes we need a reminder of His promises. He promises to love us, to serve as a refuge in times of trouble, and to provide peace and joy as long as we abide in Him.
Monshay Gibbs, CEO and Founder of Finished Work Apparel, created the brand with the purpose of using her clothing as a representation of God’s promises. We are all God’s children, and as such, we must spread the good news of the gospel and follow His two most important commandments: to love God and love others. Monshay wants to use her collections to connect with both Christians and non-Christians alike, to inspire and most importantly, to LOVE.